Chess: Eco-Friendly Board Game That Benefits The Brain

Chess is a board game that has been played for centuries. It is a good idea to involve your child in a game of chess with the help of experienced tutors in chess. It is a strategic game that can be played by two people, and it often involves strategy and planning.

The game of chess occupies a special position among all cultural activities due to its complexity and dynamics at the interface of culture, science, sport, and games. It has been played worldwide for more than a millennium and has always generated an enormous echo in society, art, and culture that goes far beyond any other game.

While chess is a serious game, it also has many benefits to the environment. Chess is a great way to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. By reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it makes our planet a better place for all of us. To help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, chess games have been introduced in schools across the United States in conjunction with climate change awareness.

Proven Benefits of Chess

Chess is a true miracle sport. It increases IQ, prevents Alzheimer’s, and trains memory.

1. Brain Growth: Games like chess challenge the brain to encourage the formation of special brain cells called dendrites. These cells send signals to the nerve fibers of the brain. The more dendrites the brain has, the faster the stimulus transmission works.

2. Both brain hemispheres are used: A German study found that chess players use both the left and right brain hemispheres. The brain teasers should explain chess moves and geometric shapes.
They had the same reaction time as laypersons to identify the geometric shapes. However, the thinkers and strategy artists reacted much faster to chess moves because they activated both hemispheres of the brain.

3. Higher IQ: Do smart people play chess, or does chess make people smart? A study shows that chess increases IQ: 4,000 students from Venezuela significantly increased their IQ after just four months of playing chess. So grab a chessboard and boost your IQ.

4. Alzheimer’s Prevention: As you get older, it’s important to keep your brain busy. It reacts just like any other muscle that only stays fit through exercise. Researchers found that people older than 75 who regularly play strategy games like chess were less likely to develop dementia than people who don’t play board games.

The study was published in The New England Journal of Medicine. The English saying “Do it or lose it” is very appropriate. If the brain runs on the back burner, it loses performance. So one more reason to play chess before your 75th birthday.

5. A big dose of creativity: Playing chess encourages creative thinking – but only when the right side of the brain, which is responsible for creativity, is working. A scientific study observed seventh through ninth-graders who either played chess or computers once a week or pursued other hobbies.

The aim was to find out in 32 weeks which activity promoted creative thinking the most. The chess group was the winner in all areas examined.

6. Better problem-solving ability: A chess player must be able to think quickly and solve problems as the opponent is constantly changing his strategy. A 1992 study looked at 450 fifth graders in New Brunswick. The students who played chess got better test results than those with no chess knowledge.

7. Better planning and foresight: A part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex is responsible for judgment, planning, and self-control. It develops relatively late, in adolescence. Playing chess requires strategic and critical thinking.

These properties promote the development of the prefrontal cortex and help teenagers make decisions in everyday life. This may even discourage them from making stupid or risky decisions.

8. Good reading comprehension: A widely cited study from 1991 shows that playing chess improves reading comprehension. Stuart Margulies studied 53 elementary school students taking a chess class and compared them to students with no chess knowledge from the same area and around the world. The chess-playing students achieved above-average test results.

9. Trained memory: Chess players know that the sport of strategy trains memory. Complex rules, noticing mistakes, and keeping the opponent’s strategy in mind: Good chess players have excellent memory skills.

A study from Pennsylvania found that playing chess in sixth-graders improved their memory and verbal skills.

10. Faster regeneration after a stroke or a disability: Chess promotes fine motor skills in people with disabilities, after a stroke or an accident. The victim has to move the chess pieces in different directions (forwards, backward, and diagonally).

This promotes the fine motor skills of the patient. Playing with another person trains cognitive and communication skills. Playing chess has a calming effect on many patients and helps them to relax and find their center.


The European Union and the United States encourage the introduction of the “ Chess at School ” program into the education systems of the Member States, as chess is an easily accessible game for children from all walks of life. It is an eco-friendly board game that supports social cohesion, social inclusion, the fight against discrimination, the reduction of crime, and even the fight against various addictions. No matter the age of children, it can provide better concentration, more patience and perseverance, more sense of creativity, better intuition, better memory, better analytical ability, and better decision-making ability.
